Hydrogen Peroxide - Propulsion & Power History
US - Bell Aircraft/Aerospace/Aerosystems (1950s - 1970s)
General Information:
Bell Aircraft/aerosystems/Aerospace involvement with hydrogen peroxde programs: Iron Cross Reaction Control System simulator, X-1B Reaction Control System (RCS), X-15 RCS, Project Mercury gas generator, Rocket Belt, Lunar Lander Research Vehicle (LLRV) attitude control system and decent propulsion, Project Centaur RCS & settling thrusters, NF-104 (likely) RCS, JF-104A (likely) RCS, Lifting body: X-24A (Ref 5), M2-F2 (likely), M2-F3 (likely) & HL-10 (lilkely) landing thrusters, Dyna Soar, Manuverable Man Unit, Advanced Syncom (Ref 1, 2 & 4)
Iron Cross Armstrong at Controls (Ref. 3)
Iron Cross Butchart at Controls (Ref. 3)
JF-104A Ground Test of Hydrogen Peroxide Reaction Control System (Ref. 3)
JF-104A Ground Test of Hydrogen Peroxide Reaction Control System in Color (Ref. 3)
LLRV 100th Flight Crew (Ref. 3)
LLRV Engine Testing on Ramp (Ref. 3)
LLRV In-Flight 1964 (Ref. 3)
LLRV In-Flight 1964 No. 2 (Ref. 3)
LLRV In-Flight 1965 (Ref. 3)
LLRV In-Flight 1965 No. 2 (Ref. 3)
LLRV In-Flight 1967 (Ref. 3)
LLRV On-Ground (Ref. 3)
X-1B Lakebed Forward View (Ref. 3)
X-1B Lakebed Aft View (Ref. 3)
X-1B Lakebed with Hydrogen Peroxide RCS (Ref. 3)
X-1B Hydrogen Peroxide RCS Simulated with CO2 (Ref. 3)
X-15 Cutaway Drawing (Ref. 3)
X-15 Lakebed (Ref. 3)
X-15 Lakebed Armstrong - Nose Hydrogen Peroxide RCS (Ref. 3)
X-15 Lakebed Armstrong No. 2 - Nose Hydrogen Peroxide RCS (Ref. 3)
X-15 Lakebed Crew - Nose Hydrogen Peroxide RCS (Ref. 3)
X-15 Lakebed Dana - Nose Hydrogen Peroxide RCS (Ref. 3)
X-15 Lakebed Engle - Nose Hydrogen Peroxide RCS (Ref. 3)
X-15 Lakebed Knight - Nose Hydrogen Peroxide RCS (Ref. 3)
X-15 Lakebed Pilots in "Light Mood" - Nose Hydrogen Peroxide RCS (Ref. 3)
X-15 Lakebed Thompson, Dana & McKay - Nose Hydrogen Peroxide RCS (Ref. 3)
X-15 Lakebed Thompson - Nose Hydrogen Peroxide RCS (Ref. 3)
X-15 Lakebed Walker - Nose Hydrogen Peroxide RCS (Ref. 3)
X-15 Lakebed White - Nose Hydrogen Peroxide RCS (Ref. 3)
LLRV Armstrong Public Relations and Flight (Ref. 3)
LLRV In-Flight and Landing on Ramp (Ref. 3)
LLRV Pilot Into Vehicle and Take Off (ref. 3)
LLRV Take Off and Cockpit View (Ref. 3)
LLRV Take Off and Hover (Ref. 3)
LLRV Take Off and Hover No. 2 (Ref. 3)
LLRF - Operational Features of the Langley Lunar Landing Research Facility
LLRV - Design and Operational Characteristics of a Lunar Landing Research Vehicle
LLRV Flight Test Evaluation of Hydrogen Peroxide ACS
X-1B Hydrogen Peroxide Rocket Reaction Control System
X-15 Hydrogen Peroxide Rocket Engine Reaction Control
X-15 Operational Experience with Hydrogen Peroxide Reaction Control Systems
X-15 AFRPL Hydrogen Peroxide Evaulation
1) Bell Aerospace Company, "Hydrogen Peroxide Attitude Control System for Space Shuttle Booster", Report No. 8500-953049 Presentation, Nov., 1971
2) Bell Aerosystems Company, Incomplete Copy of Company Liturature, Circa 1970.
3) NASA, "Dryden Gallery - Dryden Flight Research Center", URL: http://www1.dfrc.nasa.gov/gallery , [cited July 10, 2008]
4) Sutton, George P., History of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines, 2006 Edition, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, Virginia
5) Journal of the Airforce Association, "X-24", URL: www.afa.org/magazine/gallery/experimental/x-24.asp [cited Aug. 05, 2008]
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